About me
I am a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Department of Psychology at McGill University. I am part of Dr. Debra Titone's McGill Language & Multilingualism Lab and Dr. Brendan Johns' McGill Cognitive Computing Lab. I received my Ph.D. in Linguistics (Modern Literatures and Philologies) at the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa in 2019, under the joint supervision of Prof. Alessandro Lenci and Prof. Pier Marco Bertinetto.
In my research, I make use of computational and psycholinguistic methodologies to understand how our experience with the ambient linguistic environment influences the way we use and process language, a concept that lies at the heart of usage-based language models. In particular, I have published work on the representation and processing of multiword and idiomatic language in first-language and second-language speakers, using a wide range of approaches, like eye-tracking during silent reading, distributional semantic models, corpus-based models of lexical strength, lexical decision latencies and other corpus-based and behavioral techniques.
You can learn more about my work by looking at the Research and Publications pages.